January ThingM Newsletter!
/blink(1) KICKSTARTER UPDATES Happy New Year to everyone! Thank you for your patience as we developed the non-programmer documentation and applications! We are working constantly towards making blink(1) as easy-to-use as possible. For Windows users we now have the Blink1Control application available to match the OS X version.
To follow the blink(1) progress and updates please visit: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thingm/blink1-the-usb-rgb-led/posts To pre-order a blink(1): http://shop.thingm.com/blink1/ Questions: blink1@thingm.com
THINGM BLOG We have shared some new ThingM projects are up on the blog! Matthew Brooks made a very cool "busy" indicator door light out of his blink(1). Inspired after accidentally being interrupted while on a phone call, the green light means he's available while red indicates that he's busy.
We've also shared our first ThingM Seedkit project for 2013! The EcoTarium is a unique indoor-outdoor science and nature museum in Worcester MA. The goal of using the ThingM Seedkit is to use programmable LEDs in a museum setting. Learn more about the first "Paper Theater" project on our blog.
To see the photos and read more visit the ThingM blog: http://blog.thingm.com/